Black and white photo of a farmer operating a harvester

Over the years, the Ollerenshaw family has earned a well-deserved reputation for innovation, sustainability, entrepreneurialism, philanthropy and commitment to Alberta’s agricultural community. This legacy is a point of pride for the family today and is a source of inspiration for the development of the family’s lands and ultimately in the founding of Section23 Developments.

As the founder of Section 23, Fred’s son Robert Ollerenshaw builds on his family’s rich heritage with his active involvement in several award-winning developments, including Hopewell Residential’s Copperfield and Mahogany communities in southeast Calgary.

A portion of Mahogany is built on the lands historically ranched and farmed by the Ollerenshaw family. In fact, the approved Mahogany Community Plan preserves and incorporates the original Ollerenshaw Ranch site. In recognition of its heritage status and social significance, Section23 plans to redevelop the site to serve as a centre for agricultural interpretation and education. Under Robert’s leadership, Section23 will bring more Ollerenshaw family land to life within the future development of Rangeview, Section 24, Garden Village and more.

In addition to land development and community planning, Robert is a highly regarded architectural designer, having designed numerous private residences in Alberta and British Columbia. His passion for architecture continues today with Section23’s residential design and construction brand, Nest, and The Edward, an innovative Seniors’ Residence, among other projects.


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“My father had one motto for his life: he said, ‘Be sure to take care of the land and the land will take care of you’.”

-Robert Ollerenshaw